As an avid Weber River angler I count down the hot summer days, which seem to all run together, for the glorious month of September. Temperatures start to cool off, water starts to come down before the big cutoff date of October 15th, and the fish get crazy active for the upcoming couple of months.
I prefer water that is slightly off colored (greens and browns) and early Fall before the Echo Reservoir shut down can be prime. You will start seeing long chases and explosive takes of many different colors and profiles. When I start seeing small fish committing to big streamers, I know it is time to tune up the streamer rigs.
We have caught most of our big streamer browns between September 15th and October 15th. We are still pulling a few good fish from around reds, but when the water is as low as it is now, the fish are skittish and often see you coming as soon as you step foot in the shallow water. The big fish are there, you just have to mix up some strategies to land that “trophy” Weber Brown.
Try changing retrieves and speeds and how you approach “fishy” runs. I spend a lot more time walking completely out of the river approaching spots I know hold fish and sometimes cast streamers standing feet from the actual river. Be sneaky, fish aggressively and have fun with the cooler weather.